Friday, May 2, 2008

God's Orgy

The bible is full of truly depraved sex acts. You don't have to read very long before you see some guy giving up his wife and his daughter to an entire crowd of men to appease their desires for some strange man who has shown up on his doorstep.

However, I really think that a lot of that gets misunderstood. It's not that the ancients had such little regard for women that they were willing to throw them to the wolves. Not at all. It's that god was punishing them for their wickedness.

Let me show you what I mean. In this installment of my New Bible, I'm going to show you what actually happened and how it was actually a punishment on the people to have the women released to them. Here's the passage directly out of the New Bible.

SJ Orgy 4:12
For a stranger knocked upon his door to stay for the night. And within a few minutes of being let inside, another knock came to the door. There stood several villagers demanding that the man be given unto them so that they may lay with him as the shepards do with their sheep. Just as the man was about to be released to the crowd, god appeared to admonish the sinners.

You shall not have this man as your own because you have each turned him away from your houses, god said. Instead, I will give you his women to do with as you will. You came here tonight hoping to taste some sweet ass and to feel the gentle tickle of anus hair on your balls when you thrust deeply. But you are undeserving of such a treasure. You want to feel the briskness of whiskers on your stomach, but you are unworthy. This man has taken him into his home. So it is he who will feel the exquisite sensation of balls slapping his chin. And it is he who will discover wonderful bits of peanut in his teeth tomorrow. And the traveler will be ready to depart at first light for he will truly get his shit packed tonight.
And you people, for your unkindness shall lay with these 2 women. The younger one has no hair yet so you cannot even pretend she's a guy. And the older woman is with cycle and let me tell you as the one who created here that this bitch is fucking ripe when she's on the rag. Therefore I command every one of you to take her with your mouths until her blood becomes your blood. And let me tell you this. The smell I have given her will make this man's sweaty, unwashed ass seem like a fucking banana split. And don't even think of banging either of these 2 chicks in the ass. Because I have made it so that chicks fart when you blast them in the ass, and if you think her pussy stinks then trust me, you don't want to see what's inside door number 2. But seriously, if any of you enter the asses of either of these 2 women I shall punish thee by never again showing any signs of my existance in this world. You will have to have faith that I exist and I will never perform another miracle or speak to any human until the end of time. And your faith will be difficult to hold because I'll let bad things happen to good people. You will pray to me and I will ignore it. And there will be great movements that speak against my existance and you will be powerless to stop it.

End verse.

Wow, so as you can see, that was really a punishment for those men. Seriously though... who the fuck knocks on a neighbor's door and demands to fuck whoever's inside? Doesn't that seem a little far out there even for back then? And if they're all so horny for fudge, why don't they just fuck the shit out of each other? Why do they have to fuck some guy who just came into town?

I do wonder what happened that night though. Looking at things today, do you think they obeyed god's command?

1 comment:

Faithinate said...

I simply love the labels section. Reads like Jay's journal.