Monday, May 5, 2008

Ben Stein is a Fucking Douche

Ok, I can't hold my tongue any longer. Ben Stein, you're a fucking douche. And you're clearly too fucking ignorant to understand even the simplest concepts. How the fuck have you managed to live this long without being run over by a tree?

Seriously dude... it's fucking ignorant fucks like you that give all religions a bad name. To denounce all science completely like you are just doesn't make any sense.

Here's a couple links so you guys will know what I'm talking about.

Science is Killing People
NOR Recap
ADL's 2-cents

Now, at the very least this asswipe is a fucking hypocrit. And at the most he's an evil lying fuck. How the fuck can he say that science is all bad when he wears glasses? What, does he think that they came from divine scripture? I bet he doesn't mind his Dr. having been to med school and studying science. I bet he doesn't mind the guys who designed the airplanes he flies around in studying science. I bet he doesn't mind the guys who develop and provide electricity studying science. I bet he doesn't mind science when it gives him a car and fuel to put in it. And I also bet he doesn't mind it when he makes his living in front of the camera... which also isn't divine inspiration. It takes a lot of science to put images and sound on film.

And he's actually blaming science for Hitler? What the fuck dude? Are you seriously that big of a fucking idiot? Scientists weren't whispering in Hitler's ear telling him to kill Jews. His mother was in the care of a Jewish Dr when she died and he blamed him for her death. That among other things led to the holocaust. You fucking ingorant prick. Have you ever bothered to read on any of the trash you're spewing out of that fucking whorehole you call a mouth?

Not to mention that absolutely everything can be used for good and evil. That car you drive in can be used to kill the same as any gun. And so can god. In fact, I'd say more people have been killed with god than any other weapon in history.

Science is not the problem you prick-fuck. Athiests are not the problem either. YOU are the problem. You give the human race a bad name. It's retarded moron fucks like you who start holy wars and convince people that they need to slaughter all the non-believers. But at least you won't be doing it with science. Forget athiest vs thiest. Forget xtian vs muslim. It should be everybody vs YOU. You make all religions look bad and even the most religious idiots in the world have something to gain by your removal from this planet.

What about the xtian senators who approved the vietnam war so they could line their pockets? What about the xtian slave owners who made fortunes off of others' suffering?

And for your information, scientists weren't leading people into gas chambers you pathetic fuck. Soldiers were. The scientists did what they were told and developed them. But they didn't build them. And a group of scientists certainly didn't surround Hitler in a corner and threaten to take his lunch money if he didn't start killing Jews so they could further science. Killing in the name of science... bitch please!!! And many of Hitler's cruelest generals were Catholics you mouth-breathing compost heap!!

Science is science. It's a tool (like YOU). Science is neither good nor evil. It can be applied by anyone who can harness it though, which puts science at the mercy of whomever is using it.

You Fucking Asswipe!!

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