Monday, June 16, 2008

The Lucky Crusifix

This really isn't anything new, but I keep thinking how lucky xtians are that Jesus died on the cross. As if the whole thing isn't morbid enough can you imagine what it would be like if they all walked around with say a guillitine around their necks? Or maybe a chainsaw with beard hair dug into the chain? How about about buzzards picking at a guy in an iron maiden? Just think about some of the inquisition tortures that could have been inflicted on him and be grateful that all we have to put up with is a guy bleeding to death on a piece of wood.

Personally I find it relieving that the cross is the public symbol. I mean, how would you like to explain to your kids that your passing a church because at the top of the steeple is a portrail of a guy getting shived in the shower by a mexican gang? Doesn't make religion so enticing now does it?

And what would the KKK do? How in the world do you build a wooden statue in somebody's yard of someone in the electric chair without them seeing you? It's impossible. And would you really want to set all that hard work on fire? Absolutely not! I'll tell you one thing though... it would have really cut down on the hangins.

So 3 cheers for death by exposure!!!


Faithinate said...

Chris in GA says: Interestingly enough, the Catholics have symbols for each of the saints....most of them represented by their implement of execution. Like, one of them is a saw. Another is fire. Another is an ex cross, another an upside down cross...

I say: This ( says that it was St James the Lesser with the saw. "gruesomely martyred at the age of 96. It is said that he was thrown from the top of the temple, but because he survived the fall he was then stoned, beaten, and sawn asunder." Gooood times!!

Lizzie said...

i missed you guys. your posts always make me think or smile. sometimes both. i have actually referenced your blog site in a few of my entries. keep it up

Faithinate said...

Hey, thanks. Good to know we have at least one loyal reader...