Sunday, February 22, 2009

Several Years Behind

Hey everybody, I know it's been quite a while since I've blogged but you know life steps in sometimes and I've been mega-busy with one thing or another. And since I'm the first one to blog in quite some time I'll give you an update on Faithinate and PraiseNull.

Faithinate has started her own business that keeps her more than busy and that's on top of the 3 kids. So I know she's going to try to start posting again too.

I haven't talked to PraiseNull about his posting, but he took a job that takes him out of state most of the time so he's pretty damn busy himself. But I'll talk to him and try to get him on track again too. But I'm going to try to start posting every weekend if I can because I want to keep this going.

So now on to my topic...

It seems to me that almost everyone I know is a few years behind me in many thought processes and Faithinate has finally started to come around in one. She's already a strong athiest, but xtians never really bothered her before. She just let them exist along with her without much minding. However, the other day she was on the way home from her friend's house and she got smacked in the face with how many churches there were on the way. She started getting offended and weirded out at the same time. That's not really the right word for it, but scared probably isn't either. It's that same nervous feeling you get when you go somewhere and you notice you're the only type of one person there. Nobody's going to do anything to you, but you do get slightly nervous when you go to a restaurant and you're the only one there who's not vietnamese or mexican, etc.

The ridiculousness of the number of churches suddenly hit her and she didn't like it. Well, I've been like that for years and it's good she finally came along on her own. But I tend to lead efforts like that. We've known a few people in our lives that I've pegged as assholes or lazy, or something shortly after meeting them and everyone always thought I was just being my normal way. But within a year or so everyone was on my side. I'm not attributing any special powers to myself, I'm just more cynical than everyone around me so I come to these conclusions faster than they do.

So I'll say under so uncertain terms that we've got more churches in our metroplex than we do gas stations and I would hazard a guess that it's one of the highest church areas in the nation. We counted recently, and we've got 6 churches within easy walking distance from our house. And I mean easy walking distance. We've got one intersection a few blocks that has a church on 3 of the 4 corners. Go ahead and tell me that's not ridiculous and more than a little offensive.

I'm also relatively offended when someone uses the title 'reverend'. It's a fake and bogus title. You don't see guys making business contacts refer to them as 'pokeman champ' do you? Because it's about the same level of study and science. They're both childish pursuits and to legitimize something like religion with a revered title is like giving a PhD to someone for telling campfire stories. People who study fictional literature for a living are called literature professors, not reverends.

So let's stop legitimizing these pretentious assholes by referring to their titles. All they do is suck the life out of society by burning books and blocking legitimate scientific legislation that will actually improve the common good.

So you may think it necessary to beg for respect by forcing everyone to call you reverend, but personally, I'd respect you more if you were a grand wizard thingy in D & D.

1 comment:

praiseNull said...

So my brother has a chance for your respect...